Silver Giftz
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Features Hosting Package
All our hosting packagesincludes easy Control Panel for creating Email accounts, Statistics, FTP, database etc. This puts all the control in your hands.
Website Statistics, Review and manage the traffic on your website.
Manage POP3 Email Accounts with SMTP, WebMail Access, Receive email in phone via IMAP.
UNLIMITED FTP Accounts for uploading website and all other server functions.
Updated PHP Ver. 5, UNLIMITED MySQL Databases, 22+ Languages Available.
We provide 24/7/365 email / phone support, Automatic Weekly Off-Site Data Backups. 99.9 % Uptime, Optimum performance and Speed.
Reliable Web Hosting
Your web site's home can be just like yours; safe, secure and always welcoming. SilverPixelz web hosting is part of our end-to-end web experience currently enjoyed by over 50 clients. Web Hosting has never been so easy!

Our high quality hosting solutions are feature rich, trouble free and very easy for the average computer user to control through your own dedicated Control Panel.

Our hosting solutions boast a 99.9% uptime, performance that is optimum and speed that is faster than most other hosting companies.